I'm a software and research engineer with a habit of being in awe of ingeniously designed Computer Systems. I like to think of the study of Systems and Computer Science in general as a series of trade-offs and decisions that need to be made for each new application and advancement in the field. Thinking about these decisions is what keeps me in love with this stream of science.
My primary interests lie in operating systems, distributed systems, cloud computing and privacy-conserving computer systems.
In my free time, I try and educate myself about climate change and learn more about technical computer science angles to tackle the problem.
When I’m not in front of the terminal, you can find me at the tennis court or trying to learn guitar and music theory :)
Go Compiler
A partial compiler(lexical analyzer) with error reporting and error recovery for Go(Golang) developed using C, Flex & Bison.
DAMN - SSH Keys Distribution and Management Network
Developed web application for securely requesting, granting and revoking access to servers by managing the SSH keys of all node servers through one single central server on the go with the provided web portal. Developed the complete backend using Golang while working with various APIs, OAuth protocol, scripting, databases and other technologies.
Plauto - Parking Lot Automation System
Developed a web app to automate parking lot management as a project for the Database System course. Undertook the development of the backend using Flask, frontend using HTML & CSS and integration of the web app with the database.
Task-Queues Implementation
Since uploading large data sets handicaps the server to process further requests, I've used Celery to implement task queues with RabbitMQ as the broker to allow the uploading of data sets to be an asynchronous task.
Developed a Command Line Interface (CLI) app using Golang and web APIs to track the FIFA World Cup 2018 by getting live scores, fixtures, team details and other statistics right from the terminal.
Hungry Bot
The hungry bot app is a chatbot built on Nodejs that helps keep track of your food intake, daily calorie count and much more. This bot is your personal food curator that tells you what you can and cannot eat while helping you find healthier alternatives.
Tennis ATP Top-10
A small app written in Go to drive the Chrome browser to visit the official ATP website and capture a screenshot of the top 10 men singles tennis players in the world.